Hamburg’s waste management company collects, transports, stores and processes the waste from around 930,000 homes and 100,000 businesses in the city. With a staff of more than 2,600, it offers the collection of recyclable materials as well as waste disposal and cleaning services under one roof.
The SRH has provided over 570,000 containers for the separate collection of residual waste (black container), waste paper (blue container) and bio waste (green container), which amounts to about 443,00 containers being emptied per week. It cleans more than 4,500 kilometres of roadway and 5,300 kilometres of sidewalks per week and in winter ensures the safety and ease of traffic.
Screened Videos (german):
-> Stadtreinigung Hamburg - Wir pflegen das Gesicht unserer Stadt (8 min)
-> Sicher. Sauber. Nachhaltig. Energie aus Abfall (7 min)
-> Hamburg und seine Müllabfuhr 1928 (Stummfilm 14 min)